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In preparation for National Examination for the year 2021 for Grade Four (4) and Grade Six (6), a total of 42 students sat for ABS examinations between the dates of 2nd of August to 6th of August. Tamani School is competing with nine(9) other private schools for Grade...

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Heartwarming  happiness

Heartwarming happiness <3

This experience turned out to be something I would have never expected. The beautiful beach was definitely breathtaking, but the kind welcome and love we were received with is what made the trip so touching. Zahra and Fehmida bent over backwards to make us feel...

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Tamani will never leave me

Tamani will never leave me

As I reminisce about my volunteering experience at the Tamani Foundation, I encounter an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. I have left Tamani, but Tamani will never leave me. It is difficult to identify what I loved the most. Was it the pristine, sapphire ocean, a...

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From Stina with LOVE

From Stina with LOVE

When I arrived to Tamani I was extremely nervous because I had such high expectations that I never thought anything could live up to. But Tamani proved me wrong. Already on the first day at Tamani the staff treated us great. They welcomed us very well, showed us...

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New Year, New Campus!!

New Year, New Campus!!

We’ve had an exciting start to the year! Read more about what happened in the first few weeks of 2016…

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One more year in the books!

One more year in the books!

We have just reached the end of another successful year at Tamani, which has seen the starting of our very own Primary School, the tremendous input from a wide variety of volunteers from all around the world, new teachers, guests and teacher trainers and 67 incredibly...

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We love Bibi Uji (Porridge Lady)

We love Bibi Uji (Porridge Lady)

Doesn’t matter where you went to school, everyone remembers the break time bell and the half hour before it rings, when your stomach is rumbling and minutes seem like hours. Some of our students come to school not having had breakfast, so I can only imagine what...

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What are the real alternatives to caning?

What are the real alternatives to caning?

  [Human Rights Watch believes there are alternatives to caning and corporal punishment such as guidance and counselling or extra homework and light chores.  "The problem in Kenya is that the teachers only have 4-5 hours on classroom discipline or classroom...

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10 Excuses for being late to school, Rural edition

10 Excuses for being late to school.  Village version When you live in a village and your school is not more than ten to fifteen minutes walk away, excuses for lateness are pretty limited.  The usual, “teacher the bus was late” or “there was a lot of traffic” and...

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The village

We are back after a long hiatus. The sun is shining, the sea is a beautiful turquoise blue and the sand is brilliantly white, just another day in Matemwe. A new volunteer, fresh faced students, eager teachers, hardworking staff and we are good to go, but I’d like to...

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First graders on the computers (Tamani, Zanzibar)

The first graders are getting really good on the computers! None of them had hardly seen or used a computer before, and just since the beginning of February they have picked it up really quickly. They play games where they should pick the right colour, chose the right...

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Medical education at Tamani (Zanzibar)

      We were very inspired by the medical team who were guests at Tamani some days ago. They left us a couple of very useful posters, which we can incorporate in our education. Basic medical knowledge and medical education is very important in a rural...

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Garden in bloom at Tamani (Zanzibar)

Our garden looks amazing right now! Even though it's dry season and most of the things start to look a bit as if they really need a heavy rain fall, some of our flowers prove to be tough ones!   Bourgainvilleas, hibiscus, ylangylang... They are truly amazing to...

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