As I reminisce about my volunteering experience at the Tamani Foundation, I encounter an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. I have left Tamani, but Tamani will never leave me.

It is difficult to identify what I loved the most. Was it the pristine, sapphire ocean, a stone’s throw away from the school? The soft white sand that felt like talc? The marine adventures? The turtles that we were able to hand feed? Was it the village life with it’s simplicity? The endearing school children whose genuine smiles and hugs made our day? While I may never ascertain what I loved the most, I most positively know of the silent heroes who made our experience impressionable. It is their continuous efforts that make the school a success.
Zahra, Fehmida  and Mohammed, we are indebted to you for making our trip one we will never forget. You enabled us to experience the perfect mix of recreation and service. Your dedication to the Foundation and the deep sense of purpose is contagious. Kudos to the founder Fatima who has been able to successfully impart the “spirit of giving” to everyone involved in the school. I feel privileged that I had the opportunity to be part of such an amazing team.
By Taskeen Thariani