Nursery Education

In 2012, we introduced Tamani Nursery School for ages 4 to 6, fulfilling the need for an early childhood education in the village of Matemwe.

At the onset of our first year, we strived hard to gain the trust of the community. The increase in the enrollment numbers from 2012-2019 speaks volumes of the trust we have gained. In 2012, we opened the doors of the nursery school with a mere seven students. In 2015, we received an overwhelming response, and we happily welcomed 24 new students into our nursery program.

In addition, we were happy to see that the government also opened up a nursery school in 2015, which is slowly starting to meet the demand of providing early education to the large number of young learners in the community.

As the first group of learners completed their third and final year at Tamani Nursery School, the initial group of students have built a strong foundation in the English language and basic mathematics; to help begin their primary education with flying colors.

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