Preparation for next year (Tamani, Zanzibar)

Although this year is not yet finished we are already starting to prepare for the next one! 2015 is gonna be an interesting year with so much going on here at Tamani Foundation. We are getting closer to find the best way of teaching our students and how to give them...

Field trip with KG3 – Tamani Nursery Zanzibar

Our oldest class in the nursery school, KG3, did a field trip to town recently! They were all very excited about it and the teachers as well.     PORT   Our 6-year olds were first given a tour at the local ferry company AZAM, and shown around on the...

Testing time at Tamani (Zanzibar)

Last Thursday we had a mid-term exam for our adult students here at Tamani Foundation to see their progress and what level they are on.   They all did very well, although a few of them need to practice a little bit more. But we are getting there surely! We are...