What are the real alternatives to caning?

What are the real alternatives to caning?

  [Human Rights Watch believes there are alternatives to caning and corporal punishment such as guidance and counselling or extra homework and light chores.  “The problem in Kenya is that the teachers only have 4-5 hours on classroom discipline or classroom...

10 Excuses for being late to school, Rural edition

10 Excuses for being late to school.  Village version When you live in a village and your school is not more than ten to fifteen minutes walk away, excuses for lateness are pretty limited.  The usual, “teacher the bus was late” or “there was a lot of traffic” and...

The village

We are back after a long hiatus. The sun is shining, the sea is a beautiful turquoise blue and the sand is brilliantly white, just another day in Matemwe. A new volunteer, fresh faced students, eager teachers, hardworking staff and we are good to go, but I’d like to...