Choose one word-category to practise. Chagua neno moja jamii ya kufanya mazoezi.

Match the word with the picture. Mechi neno na picha

  • Click the speaker to hear the pronounciation.
  • Press one word. Vyombo vya habari neno moja.
  • Match it with a picture by clicking the right picture. Mechi yake na picha kwa kubonyeza picha sahihi.

  1. See your results by clicking ‘Finished’ by the bottom of the page. Angalia matokeo yako kwa kubofya ‘Kumaliza’ na chini ya ukurasa.

Go back to the first page by clicking the “Back Arrow” on your web browser. Rejea ukurasa wa kwanza kwa kubonyeza “Back Arrow” kwenye mtandao browser yako.

Press the picture to play! Vyombo vya habari picha kucheza!