First click on ‘Large’ to start the game. Click kwanza kuhusu ‘Large’ kuanza mchezo.
To play, click or type a letter with 2 or more letters. Kucheza, bonyeza au aina mbili kwa herufi 2 au zaidi.
You score points for each letter, multiplied by the premium squares. Wewe alama kwa kila barua, kuyagawa kwa mraba malipo.
Score points to get more time on your timer, and Bonus points for time left over at the end. Alama pointi kupata muda zaidi juu ya timer yako, na pointi Bonus kwa mara kushoto juu ya mwishoni.
Your goal is to use all 64 letters before the time runs out, while getting as many points as you can! Lengo lako ni kutumia barua zote 64 kabla ya wakati anaendesha nje, wakati kupata pointi nyingi kama unaweza!
Remember, POINTS = TIME! Kumbuka, POINTI = WAKATI!
Press the picture to play! Vyombo vya habari picha kucheza!