This week we made an interview with one of our nursery teachers Zaina Mwevura. She is the head teacher for Tamani Nursery School in Zanzibar, and she also teaches two housekeeping classes per week for our adult students. Zaina is a really great teacher – firm but sweet, and she loves the kids! Her class is the KG3, the oldest in our nursery. They were the first class at Tamani Nursery School, and now they are about to finish their three years with us.


Tamani: For how long have you been a teacher?

Zaina: I’ve been a teacher for a year now. I really enjoy it!


T: What do you like most about teaching?

Z: I love to teach the children different things, I also enjoy seeing them playing in the school yard. And yes, I love to sing with them as well!


T: Which subject do you like the most?

Z: English is my favorite subject.


T: What do you like most about Tamani School?

Z: So many things! The people who work here are really nice, all of us have a great cooperation and work well together. I also like the fact that the school is free and open to anyone, even people who have no money. That is amazing.


T: What is your secret to how to make a child smile?

Z: I have some tricks up my sleeve, as every teacher has I suppose. Sometimes it comes in handy! When a child is sad or crying I sometimes tell a story to give him or her something else to think about. Or I make funny gestures! The third trick would be to play a song for them and make them sing along, that almost always works.


T: Thank you Zaina for giving us and the readers the chance to get to know you better.

Z: You’re welcome!



Zaina - head teacher Tamani Nursery School

Zaina – head teacher Tamani Nursery School