September 2022

Every year, the students visit various locations for their field trip learning new skills and engaging in practical activities. On the 21st September 2022, each class visited different locations including Zanzibar Park, Jozani Forest, Zanzibar airport, recycling...

Mikaeel Dewji’s Tamani Experience

On my journey from Stonetown to Matamwe, many thoughts went through my head. I wasanxious, curious and slightly reserved. During the journey, I took in the beautiful nature thatZanzibar has to offer and I was utterly astounded by the alluring greenery that took...


We received various donations and we feel so lucky! From human anatomy models to a new school projector, we thank you all! The students have been particularly enjoying the newly printed Kiswahili books.

Annual Sports day

Every year, Tamani hosts a Sports Day filled with great spirit, determination and excitement. This year it took place on 11th of August and it was the most wonderful day! All the students participated and looked vibrant in their team colours. Parents were also invited...

Book Prizes!

After the midterm examinations, students who performed well in their examinations were awarded book prizes. We are trying to encourage the students to read more at home and they were delighted to receive different storybooks. They have already started reading and...

Nurse Bettina’s Kind Donation

Nurse Bettina visited us from Denmark and generously donated two suitcases worth of medical supplies and resources. We were over the moon especially Nurse Rahma. Nurse Bettina also brought us a human anatomy model for our upper grade Science lessons. We really...